What is Rundeck?
Rundeck is an open-source software Job scheduler and Run Book Automation system for automating routine processes across development and production environments. It combines task scheduling, multi-node command execution, workflow orchestration and logs everything that happens.
Rundeck feature highlights
- Distributed command execution
- Workflow (including option passing, conditionals, error handling, and multiple workflow strategies)
- Pluggable execution system (SSH and WinRM by default; Powershell available)
- Pluggable resource model (get details of your infrastructure from external systems)
- On-demand (Web GUI, API or CLI) or scheduled job execution
- Secure Key store for passwords and keys
- Role-based access control policy with support for LDAP/ActiveDirectory/SSO
- Access control policy editing/management tools
- History and auditing logs
- Use any scripting language
In this quick tutorial, we are going to show you how to install and configure Rundeck server on centOS7 or RHEL 7, Rundeck requires java to run.
1./ Installing Rundeck
– Rundeck requires java, if not installed than use the following command:
# yum install java-1.8.0-openjdk java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel -y
– Execute the following command to install the Rundeck rpm package:
# rpm -Uvh http://repo.rundeck.org/latest.rpm
– Finaly, run the below command to install Rundeck:
# yum install rundeck
– To start the Rundeck Service, execute the following command:
# service rundeckd start ### or /etc/init.d/rundeckd start
– Let’s customize the Rundeck setup configuration, open the framework.properties file and modify it as below:
# vi /etc/rundeck/framework.properties # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # Rundeck server connection information # ---------------------------------------------------------------- ############## Before ################## framework.server.name = localhost framework.server.hostname = localhost framework.server.port = 4440 framework.server.url = http://localhost:4440 ############## After ################## framework.server.name = Server_IP_Address framework.server.hostname = Server_IP_Address framework.server.port = 4440 framework.server.url = http://Server_IP_Address:4440
– Now open rundeck-config.properties file and replace the value of the grails.serverURL by the IP Address of your Rundeck server:
# vi /etc/rundeck/rundeck-config.properties
# change hostname here
############## Before ##################
############## After ##################
– Let’s restart the Rundeck Service:
# /etc/init.d/rundeckd restart
– If you are using Firewall, make sure to open the port 4440
firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=4440/tcp --permanent firewall-cmd --reload
2./ Logging into Rundeck
– Navigate to http://Server_IP_Address:4440/
in your favorite a browser. the Default username is admin and the password is admin :
3./ Changing Admin default Password
In the case if you would like to change the default admin password, it’s so easy, edit the file /etc/rundeck/realm.properties, replace the Change the second field ‘admin’ with a secure password as below:
# vi /etc/rundeck/realm.properties
# This sets the default user accounts for the Rundeck app
– After changing the default password, you have to restart the Rundeck:
# /etc/init.d/rundeckd restart
Your docs is helped me lot.
I need information about running production remote jobs from the UAT server using the rundeck on windows platform.
and sending email notifications .
If you want to run jobs on windows servers you need to install and configure rundeck winrm plugin. We already wrote a guide regarding that topics. See the following link:
Hello Sir, This is a really great article. Could you please help me by setting up rundeck as a docker container.
You can check out the rundeck documentation https://docs.rundeck.com/docs/administration/install/docker.html#open-source-rundeck